Baked Aachari Aloo

Baked Aachari Aloo




15 min


30 min

Ingredients For Baked Achari Aloo

Boiled Potatoes 4 Medium Size
Onion 1
Garlic 5-6 Pods
Cumin Seeds Pinch Of
Mustard Seeds Pinch Of
Onion Seeds Pinch Off
Salt To Taste
Oil As Per Requirement
Curd 6-7 Tablespoon
Roasted Masala 2-3 Teaspoon
Mango Pickle 2 Tablespoon
Carrom Seeds Pinch Of
Fennel Seeds Pinch Of
Baked Alhaji Aloo

Baked Achari Aloo

Baked Achari Aloo is perfect for starter. This hot potato starter has crisp achari flavour from outside and tasty flavour inside.

How To Make Baked Achari Aloo:

Boil 4 medium size potatoes, peel, mash and keep aside.

Now heat 2 tablespoon oil in a pan. Add pinch of cumin seeds (jeera), pinch of mustard seeds (black rai), pinch of black onion seeds ( kalonji).

Once seeds start cracking, add 1 chopped onion.

Add 5-6 chopped garlic pods and 1 chopped green chillies if you prefer. I am not adding chillies here.

Once onion turns translucent and garlic also cooks and changes color, add mashed potatoes in it. Mix everything. Add few tablespoon oil if required.

Now add salt and mix the mixture again. Stir and cook for more 2-3 minutes.

Switch off the flame and keep the mixture aside in plate. We have to shape tikkies of these potatoes mixture.

Now we have to prepare achari marinade for Baked Achari Aloo by the time aloo mixture is getting cool a bit.

We require curd for the marinade. Also we will be adding some roasted spices to enhance the flavour.

Take curd in a bowl. Add 2-3 teaspoon roasted masala powder( roasted cumin, black pepper and corriander powder)  to the curd.

Add pinch of roasted carrom seeds (ajwain) fennel seeds (saunf) and some black salt to the curd marinade. Mix.

Now add 2 tablespoon pickle masala and mix everything together. Our marinade is ready. I am using mango pickle here. You can use any other pickle flavour here in this recipe.

Grease baking tray with oil for baking achari aloo.

Dip aloo tikkies one by one in achari marinade and place it on the tray keeping some distance.

If you have extra marinade you can just put on tikkies with help of spoon.

Bake achari aloo in preheated oven for 30 minutes at 180°C.

Serve baked achari all hot as a starter.


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