Soft & Spongy Vanilla Cup Cakes

Soft & Spongy Vanilla Cup Cakes




10 min


20 min

Main Ingredients

All Purpose Flour 2 Cups
Milk 1 Cup
Powdered Sugar 1 Cup
Vanilla essence 11/2 teasppon
Salt As per taste
Butter 100 grams
Vanilla Cup Cakes

Vanilla Cup Cakes

How To Make Vanilla Cup Cakes:

  • Boil 1 cup milk. Add 100 grams butter and mix till butter dissolves.
  • Once milk becomes warm add 2 teaspoon white vinegar allow it to come to room temperature.
  • You will notice, milk will have curdling type of texture.
  • Now in the milk we have to add 1cup powdered sugar and mix.
  • Add 1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence.
    Add 2 cups all purpose flour, 6 tablespoon milk powder, 1 teaspoon baking powder and 1/2 teaspoon baking soda.
  • Mix it with cut and fold method 7-8 times till the batter is mixed properly. Also make sure you don’t over knead the dough.
  • Pour the batter in greased cups and bake it for 20-25 minutes at 180 celsius in preheated oven heated for 10 minutes. Vanilla cup cakes are ready. Demould and serve it.


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