Veg Sesame Toast – Starter Recipe

Veg Sesame Toast – Starter Recipe




35 min


25 min


Bread Slices 6-7
Boiled Potato 1
Finely Chopped French Beans 1/4 Tea Cup
Finely Chopped Carrots 1/4 Tea Cup
Finely Chopped Cauliflower 1/4 Tea Cup
Finely Chopped Cabbage 1/4 Tea Cup
Turmeric Powder Pinch Of
Red Chilly Powder 1/2 Teaspoon
Garam Masala 1/2 Teaspoon
Chopped Coriander Leaves 2-3 Tablespoon
All Purpose Flour ( Maida) 3-4 Tablespoon
Water As Per Requirement
Sesame Seeds 1/2 Cup
Oil For Deep Frying As Per Requirement
Salt As Per Taste
Veg Sesame Toast

Veg Sesame Toast

Well if you are in party mood and thinking of what to make in starter or snack then Sesame Toast is perfect dish for you. Nice crisp from outside and veggies filling inside. It is served hot so that people enjoy the dish. Each bite has hotness, crispness of bread and moistness of hot vegetables altogether. I must say you will enjoy the dish. Preparation requires time specially chopping of vegetables. You can make the toast masala with your favourite vegetables and mashed potato. Potato is required because it gives the starch and help binding of other vegetables together with it.

I would recommend first to try with smaller batch so that you get an idea of how to make sesame toast and you can try for your parties also next time.

Here in this recipe I am not using onion garlic but you can use as per your choice.

Sesame Toast Recipe:

  • To make masala for toast we required some finely chopped and boiled vegetables (carrot, cauliflower, cabbage and french beans).
  • Take chopped boiled vegetables in a vessel.
  • Add 1 boiled peeled mashed potato in it.
  • Now add 2 tablespoon fresh chopped coriander leaves.
  • Now add some dry spices, pinch of turmeric powder, coriander powder, 1/4 teaspoon garam masala, 1/4-1/2 teaspoon red chilly powder, salt to taste and mix properly.
  • Cut the slices of bread into two triangular parts.
  • Take 3-4 tablespoon all purpose flour (maida) in a bowl and with a help of some water make paste for coating bread on top.
  • Take handful sesame seeds in a plate for coating on bread.
  • Now with the help of spoon or your hand put the potato vegetable mixture on the bread slices.
  • Heat oil in kadai for deep frying sesame toasts.
  • By the time oil is getting heated with another spoon take maida paste and apply on top of vegetable stuffing. Spread properly with spoon such that when it is coated with sesame seeds. Most of sesame seeds remain on the bread rather then falling.
  • After coating bread with maida ( all purpose flour) paste. You can sprinkle sesame seeds on maida coating.
  • Oil might have heated. Lower the flame. Place your bread slices on frying spatula and slowing insert in hot oil. Do this carefully. Remember keep the flame low while putting bread slices in oil else oil might ooze out and cause burning. Fry sesame toasts on low to medium flame. High flame might cause burning of toasts and sesame seeds might remove from the bread.
    Fry bread slices from both the sides till it turns brown and crispier. Sesame coating should be cooked properly.
  • Remove sesame toasts and serve hot with schezwan chutney or your any other favourite chutney. It taste better when eaten hot.


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